Ready, steady…. go!

D’Basket kicked-off at the premises of the Romolo Onor school on 7 November 2016 with teams from Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. Referee: a European network based in France.

Three primary schools, three municipalities and four NGOs – the 10 partners of the project – met in San Donà for one-and-half day- introductory meeting.

After a hard, preparatory work that led to the successful submission of the project, the partners convened for the first time to get know each other, and to share their experiences.

We discussed of our educational systems, and how innovative teaching methods to foster basic and transversal skills could benefit teachers, educators and pupils. We started planning to deliver the first part of the project: our good practice collection and paved the way for the development of project’s activities. Most of all we met new colleagues and made new friends.

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