D’basket city labs in San Donà
Preparations are underway for the first event to disseminate the results of the project, which will take place on 20 and 21 March in the city center.
To share the “basket” of activities and resources of the project, the Municipality of San Donà, together with the IC Onor and 2050 is organizing a meeting with schools and organizations operating in education as a moment of dialogue on the development of basic skills of young people.
The meeting will be held at the Leonardo da Vinci Cultural Center on Tuesday 20 March at 4 pm. Vid Tratnik of PiNA, Sandra Rainero of 2050 and the Onor’s teachers will share the D’Basket experience with the participation of the public.
Throughout the morning of March 21st public buildings – Astra Theater, the Municipal Library and adjoining spaces – will be available to pupils attending various workshops on the themes of the project and the relationship with the city, its spaces, its identities.
We will also have guests who come from 10 European cities and participate in the URBACT project “City Center Doctor” (http://urbact.eu/citycentredoctor) and who will visit the workshops to see how the basic skills of the children can be enhanced for revitalize the city center.