The D’Basket’s real ERASMUS moment!

Early wake up call on Monday morning , October 1st, for the Onor’s, Veli VRh and Anton Ukmar’s pupils participating in the project’s mobility week.

During the first week of October, about 80 students will be guestes in one of the participating schols and about 30 will play their host- Teachers and the educators from 2050, PiNA and the Foundation will accompany them.

In the 5 day- mobility the pupils will get the chance to experience real-life situations in other schools and cities, with the guidance of teachers and the NGOs that have developed and shared  the project’s toolkits on developent of basic competences ,

In San Donà the IC Onor students will introduce the city and the history of the Piave river and visit Carole and Venice. 2050 will facilitate workshops on intercultural and media literacy competences.

In Koper the days will go by with sports, site visits and robotics, and in Pula interactive lessons and a site visit to the Brioni island are foreseen

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