What is the project about?
Primary schools open to community resources, communities more active in primary education. This could be the extreme rationale of the D’BASKET project.
The project D’BASKET is an attempt to develop – in an early stage of studies (ISCED II level) – basic and transversal skills of students that will be critical for their future: we focus on improving teachers and schools’ competences, as well as leveraging the innovative education activities of other stakeholders such as businesses and NGOs into the formal education, insisting on early development of such skills in primary and lower secondary school.
We do this by bringing together for the first time three schools of the primary/lower secondary cycle, NGOs and local authorities from Italy Slovenia and Croatia.
Three different and integrated pathways will be developed 1. basic skills in interpersonal and intercultural skills for educators and pupils for inclusion, 2. media literacy and creativity; 3. entrepreneurial skills.
The project aims at creating a more “structural” cooperation between schools and other education providers, and actors (such as local authorities) to leverage the potential of learning basic and transversal skills by frequent interaction and exchange between the “world” of the school and the “world” outside in the community.
Such interaction will also have positive effects on guidance for future educational choices of pupils. New and effective interdisciplinary educational methods developed in other external experiences will be adapted to the development stage of younger pupils (10-14 years old).
D’BASKET addresses the need for a more diverse and inclusive education, underachievement in the basic skills through more effective, innovative teaching methods and the upskilling of teaching professions.
We can summarize the methodological approach of the project into four main phases:
Phase 1- D’BASKET KNOWLEDGE TOOLKIT: This is the preparatory phase, which consists of the analysis and adaptation of existing pedagogical methods (formal, non-formal and based on successful practice in Europe).
Phase 2 – DEVELOPMENT OF THE D’BASKET ACTIVITIES AND PATHWAYS: The deliverables are concrete sets of methodological and pedagogical material and include the learning outcomes, the link to statutory subjects for the development of basic skills, as well as tools to be used, such as training exercises, multimedia material and expert experiences and tips.
The material will be embedded in the main entry point of the D’BASKET experience, the multilingual Resource Centre, which will provide orientation and guidance. Each tool, exercise, activity will be presented and validated during the joint staff training sessions.
Phase 3 – TESTING AND EVALUATION OF THE PATHWAYS: This phase consists of the development of the OER Resource Centre (online) and the test of the 3 D’BASKET pathways in each country (each school will test tools and pathways in a flexible way, according to their compatibility with curricular activities), and will participate with pupils in three short-term pupils’ mobility to carry out some specific activities with groups of pupils coming from the three schools to test and appraise the EU added value of the pathways.
Phase 4 – DISSEMINATING AND STREAMLINING THE RESULTS: The final phase responds to the capitalization and dissemination of the project’s results.
The project has started in October 2016 and will end in April 2019.